Strawbery Banke and Portsmouth walking tour

Strawbery Banke

On November 15th a group of PSU Historic Preservation students, graduates, and enthusiasts were treated to an hour long private tour with Rodney Rowland at Strawbery Banke. Jim Garvin, the retired NH State Architectural Historian who graciously accompanied us gave his additional insights into the construction methods of that era, as well as explaining how Strawbery Banke was initially formed. We toured the Winn/Yeaton house which is currently being restored. It was a unique opportunity to see a house undressed prior to being open to the public.

After our private tour concluded we toured two more homes before heading to the Athenaeum for another private tour lead by Jim. The Athenaeum is a beautiful old world library steeped in tradition and ambiance. Jim explained how as an undergraduate he became a member and was allowed access to this classic library.

We then stopped to admire several historic homes in the area including the Moffatt-Ladd House, St. John’s Episcopal Church, and finally the Warner House. As historic preservation students or graduates, having the opportunity to tour historic homes with someone of Jim’s knowledge and experience was truly remarkable. We hope to do this more often once the winter has passed and spring has arrived. We will keep you posted.

I have yet to work out how to post photos, so for now just clink on my Dropbox file to see the photos.


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